Lightspeed Label editor
Product label visual editor for store merchants
Retail merchants complain about dated looking labels and the lack of ability to adjust and customize labels to suit their businesses. Lightspeed offered some labels by default, but there is no ability to preview these labels before printing or to customize them. The only way of changing these labels was by way of editing lines of code, causing a lot of frustration for merchants and many calls to customer service.
Feedback on Lightspeed community page
My contribution
Research, requirement definition, weekly co-creation sessions, wireframes, prototyping, to implementation and beta testing support
The team
Product Manager
2 Full stack developers
1 Front end developer
Quality tester
Content writer
Product designer (me)
To offer merchants the possibility of easily printing labels that suit their products and their business.
How will we know if we succeeded? By reducing the number of Zendesk tickets related to adjusting label layout by over 50%.
Weekly co-creation sessions
The most enjoyable aspect of this project for me was how we could arrive at the best solution together - the first iterations by both design and by developement were really poor compared to what we arrived at when collaborating. We did this by creating a safe space to share and collaborate, working every week with the Tech Lead and PM to align on requirements, and iterating on designs together with the full team. Customer support was instrumental in helping us get user feedback during internal and Beta testing.
We first reviewed existing flows for label printing
First Iteration by Developers
First design iteration
Task flow
Iterating and moving up in fidelity
This project was a great chance for me to learn to create components using the then newly improved Variants in Figma
New WYSIWYG editor lets merchants customize and preview their labels
A visual editor that lets merchants preview templates of their labels, and choose one to customize.
Dated, hard to read labels
Dated, hard to read labels
Customer calls related to adjusting label layout reduced by over 50%.